What Will the Future Look Like

So, what will the future look like in 15 years? Bleak. When I look to the future it is bleak. If we keep going the way we are going with climate change, giant corporate conglomerates, social tensions, etc. then the future is not bright. I think that this is something common amongst people my age. It has been discussed time and time again how if you look to science fiction from the 50s it is generally much more hopeful whereas science fiction from the 80s or later tends to be more dark and post-apocalyptic in it's nature. I think, given what the human race has gone through and continues to go through it is not hard to understand why. Though, while I do think the future looks bleak. I think that not a ton will change in the next 15 years. The environment will continue on it's decline, social tensions will not be resolved, technology will advance even further but at what cost, there will be little to no privacy, and people will still be slaving away at jobs that they don't care about to survive in this capitalistic hell hole. Now, what will the future look like in 50 years? Again, bleak. Similar to how it will look in 15 years but much more. The environment will likely be in shambles and we will probably have some sort of "solution" to surviving in the environment we have created rather than having focused on fixing what we have done. We will almost certainly definitely not have any privacy from the government or giant corporations. Some social tensions may improve but it will only make way for other social tensions to arrive. Disney will own everything. Mainly Disney will own everything. I've changed my entire premise of this post now. Now the only thing that I see is Disney will own everything and it is going to be terrible.


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